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Java Versions Released Dates and Its features

  • JDK Version 1.0 (January 23, 1996)The code was named Oak.
New features in JDK 1.0
  1. Initial Release
  2. Package which consists of java.awt, javax.xml,, java.util, java.lang,, org.xml

  • JDK Version 1.1 (February 19, 1997): The code was named Abigail (Version 1.1.6), Brutus (Version 1.1.7) and Chelsea (Version 1.1.8).
New features in JDK 1.1
  1. JDBC (Java Database Connectivity)
  2. Inner Classes
  3. Java Beans
  4. RMI (Remote Method Invocation)
  5. Reflection (introspection only)

  • J2SE Version 1.2 (December 8, 1998)The code was named playground.
New features in J2SE 1.2
  1. Collection Framework
  2. Java String Memory Map for Constants.
  3. Just In Time (JIT) Compiler
  4. Jar Signer for signing Java ARchive (JAR) files
  5. Policy Tool for granting access to system resources
  6. Java Foundation Classes (JFC) which consists of Swing 1.0, Drag and Drop, and Java 2D class libraries
  7. Java Plug-in
  8. Scrollable result sets, BLOB, CLOB, batch update, user-defined types in JDBC
  9. Audio Support in Applets

  • J2SE Version 1.3 (May 8, 2000): The code was named Kestrel.
New features in J2SE 1.3
  1. Java Sound
  2. Jar Indexing
  3. A huge list of enhancements in almost all the areas of Java

  • JESE Version 1.4 (February 6, 2002): The code was named Merlin and was first released under JCP.
New features in J2SE 1.4
  1. XML Processing
  2. Java Print Service
  3. Logging API
  4. Java Web Start
  5. JDBC 3.0 API
  6. Assertions
  7. Preferences API
  8. Chained Exception
  9. IPv6 Support
  10. Regular Expressions
  11. Image I/O API

  • J2SE Version 5.0 (September 30, 2004): The code was named Tiger.
New features in J2SE 5.0
  1. Generics
  2. Enhanced for Loop
  3. Autoboxing/Unboxing
  4. Typesafe Enums
  5. Varargs
  6. Static Import
  7. Metadata (Annotations)
  8. Instrumentation

  • Java SE 6 (December 11, 2006): The code was named Mustang.
New features in Java SE 6
  1. Scripting Language Support
  2. JDBC 4.0 API
  3. Java Compiler API
  4. Pluggable Annotations
  5. Native PKI, Java GSS, Kerberos and LDAP Support
  6. Integrated Web Services
  7. Lot more enhancements

  • Java SE 7 (July 28, 2011): The code was named Dolphin.
New features in Java SE 7
  1. Strings in Switch Statement
  2. Type Inference for Generic Instance Creation
  3. Multiple Exception Handling
  4. Support for Dynamic Languages
  5. Try with Resources
  6. Java nio Package
  7. Binary Literals, Underscore in literals
  8. Diamond Syntax
  9. Automatic Null Handling

  • Java SE 8 (March 18, 2014): The code name culture is dropped with Java 8 and so no official code name going forward from Java 8.

New features in Java SE 8
  1. Lambda Expressions
  2. Pipelines and Streams
  3. Date and Time API
  4. Default Methods
  5. Type Annotations
  6. Nashhorn JavaScript Engine
  7. Concurrent Accumulators
  8. Parallel operations
  9. PermGen Error Removed
  10. TLS SNI

Character Set  :

-  Allowed set of symbols (characters) used for implementing java programming is called as character set.

allowed characters to implement java program:

1. All Uppercase English Alphabets [A-Z].
2. All Lowercase English Alphabets[a-z].
3. All Special characters (+,-,!,@,#,$ ..... etc.)
4. Spaces : single space, tab space and new line space ...


What is an Identifier:

Name of any entity in java programming is called as an Identifier. examples class name, variable name, method name , etc.,

Rules for Writing an Identifier:

1.  Allowed charters to write an Identifier.

              a) Upper case and Lowercase letters(A-Z and a-z).
              b) All Digits (0-9)
              c) Only underscore( _ ) and dollar ($) characters from special characters.
2. Identifier name should not start with Digit.
3. No spaces are allowed to write an identifier.
4. we can not use reserved words as an identifier.
5. There is no limit for writing an identifier but recommended to take at most 30 to 40 characters.
6. We can use predefined class names and interface names as identifiers but not recommended to use.
7. Identifiers in java are case sensitive ( means which shows the difference between Uppercase letter and Lowercase letters).

Reserved Words in Java:

A reserved words are the predefined words, which can not be used for other purpose. if we use the compiler get ambiguity.

java programming language contain 53 keywords. among these 2 keywords are unused.

Reserved words are categories in to two types:

1. Reserved literals (3):  Reserved literals does not contain any functionality. they are true, false and null.
2. keywords (50)         : keywords are associated with some functionality.

Keywords for data types: (8)
1) byte
2) short
3) int
4) long
5) float
6) double
7) char
8) boolean

Keywords for flow control:(11)

1) if
2) else
3) switch
4) case
5) default
6) for
7) do
8) while
9) break
10) continue
11) return

Keywords for modifiers:(11)
1) public
2) private
3) protected
4) static
5) final
6) abstract
7) synchronized
8) native
9) strictfp (1.2 version)
10) transient
11) volatile

Keywords for exception handling:(6)
1) try
2) catch
3) finally
4) throw
5) throws
6) assert(1.4 version)

Class related keywords:(6):

1) class
2) package
3) import
4) extends
5) implements
6) interface

Object related keywords:(4)
1) new
2) instanceof
3) super
4) this

void  keyword (1) : void keyword conveys a method does not return any value.

enum(1) : enum keyword is used for define a group of integer constants

Unused Keywords (2):

1). goto
2). const



Variable is a name of a memory loacation, used for holding a value. the variable value can be modifiable.

syntax to declare a variable:

modifier datatype variable[=value];

Datatypes in java:

Datatypes used for specify how much amount of memory will allocate to the variable, and what type of value assign to a variable.
